The 2016 Annual meeting and Industry Standard approval meeting of the National Technical Committee for Disinfection Technology and equipment Standardization was held in Hangzhou

Release:喀喀喀 Time:2019-03-20 Browse:8386


    From October 26 to 28, 2016, the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Disinfection Technology and equipment (SAC/TC 200) held its 2016 annual meeting and industry standard approval meeting in Hangzhou. Yu Xinhua, deputy director of the Medical device Standards Management Center of the State Food and Drug Administration, personally attended the meeting. A total of 70 experts, members, representatives and enterprise representatives of the Disinfection Technical Committee attended the meeting.  


   Director Yu made an important speech in which he affirmed the work and achievements of the Disinfection Technical Committee in 2016, thanked the leaders of the Secretariat for their support and attention to the standard work, and affirmed the hard work of all the members and the Secretariat. At the same time, Director Yu conveyed the latest situation and trends of our country's deepening standardization reform and the revision of the new standardization law, and introduced the formulation and release of standards and regulations for the standardization of medical devices by the Standard Management Center. it also puts forward requirements for strengthening and innovation in the standardization work of the Disinfection Technical Committee, and encourages all members to do a good job in the revision of the standard system.


    And then, Secretary General Hu Changming made a summary on the completion of other related work, such as the revision of the standard system of the National Bank of China this year, the international voting, the publicity and implementation of standards, the revision of the subcatalogue of disinfection classification, the streamlining and integration of strong standards, the review of bid promotion, and the problems currently existing in the Technical Committee. It also puts forward five work plans to complete the revision of the target system of the Bank of China in 2017, actively participate in international voting, participate in international standards meetings, and complete the naming of disinfection and sterilization instruments for medical devices.


    At the following standard approval meeting, the representatives listened to the report and explanation of the drafting group of the above five industry standards on the preparation of the standards. In a serious, serious, scientific and realistic attitude, the participants not only considered being in line with international and advanced national standards, but also seriously examined and approved the standards from technical content to text, and carefully discussed and studied the doubtful contents, and approved five industry standards such as "vertical steam sterilizer".


    The committee members attending this meeting agreed that the standards adopted in this meeting should be formed by the drafting group to form the final-ldquo; application and approval draft-rdquo;, should be reported by the Secretariat to the Medical device Standards Management Center of the State Food and Drug Administration in accordance with the procedures for the revision and management of the standard system.

(contribution: Secretariat of the Disinfection Technical Committee & nbsp;2016-11-01)